Come and experience why, for thousands of years, people around the world have been co-creating in drum and dance circles for community connection, creativity, and self expression. Learn more about it and how to participate or enhance your participation!
All experience levels (including no experience) welcome

✦Learn rhythm and drumming basics
✦Learn about the global and historic ubiquity of rhythm as a tool for personal and community development
✦ Explore how rhythm can be experienced in our bodies
✦ Learn how to participate in a co-created, shared rhythm experience
✦ Get hands-on experience with world percussion instruments
✦ Instruments are available.

Bring a chair and your drum! Or contact to reserve a drum!

About the facilitator:

Julian Douglas is a Remo Health Rhythms trained facilitator and a recipient of the Indiana Arts Commission On-Ramp Fellowship with 30 years of experience facilitating drum and dance circles, as well as a world percussion teacher and a performing percussionist. Raised by a jazz pianist Julian’s childhood was an immersive education in music with a strong emphasis on rhythm. His studies have included elements of the music and traditions of various cultures including those in the African diaspora, the Middle-East, Eastern Europe, and India. As a composer and drum/dance circle facilitator, Julian’s focus has been to draw inspiration and knowledge from traditional music while holding a sustained value for the creative impulse of the present moment and the centrality of the individual as the source of living creativity. Julian has performed and taught lessons and workshops throughout the Eastern United States.

Contact for more information.