MARTINSVILLE, Ind. – Franciscan Health is collaborating on a morning of learning, focusing on mental health in Morgan County, on Saturday, March 1. The class runs from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at First Christian Church of Martinsville and is free and open to all.

Topics discussed will include emergency preparedness and resilience from the American Red Cross. In addition, a representative from Choices 988 will discuss the importance of calling 988 and the response that happens when that number is utilized.

As part of the day of learning, a QPR suicide prevention course will be taught by Tina Hoffman, Community Health coordinator at Franciscan. QPR is an entry-level suicide prevention course that teaches attendees how to identify suicidal ideation and how to persuade someone to seek help. Question, Persuade and Refer, or QPR, is a widely taught gatekeeper training course. Like CPR, QPR is an emergency system that can help someone in a crisis save lives.

Those who become a QPR-trained Gatekeeper will gain the ability to recognize signs of suicidal thoughts, provide hope and support and guide someone to life-saving assistance.

Jeannine Quinn, a nurse in Morgan County, who also volunteers at Franciscan as a Faith Community Nurse, is leading the morning of mental health learning.

Register by emailing her at:

First Christian Church of Martinsville is located at 89 South Main Street in Martinsville.