The Indiana Rural Summit is off to an exciting start with the first two stops of the rural summit tour in the books. The first event saw over 100 people walk with us in Jasper’s Strassenfest parade. This included many Democratic candidates from our cohort as well as the Democratic candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor. Teresa Kendall, the Dubois democratic party chair and cohort member said, “It was a tremendous and well-received turnout by local and statewide candidates, including Governor and Lt. Governor candidates Jennifer McCormick and Terry Goodin. It was an honor to host the launch of the Indiana Rural Summit with my fellow House candidates at the renowned Strassenfest Parade.”

From left to right Zach Harrison Summit Organizer, Michelle Higgs HD 60 candidate, Sarah Blessing HD 70 candidate, Teresa Kendall HD 63 candidate, Isaac Chapman-Whitehead Summit organizer, Ryan Still Summit organizer, Jenifer David HD 66 candidate, and Carol Dunfee Summit volunteer.
The next stop was in Scottsburg, where we had around 80 attendees and a dozen tabling organizations. The panel hosted 3 Democratic State House Candidates – Jennifer David House District (hereafter “HD”) 66, Thomas Ross HD 59, and Trish Whitcomb HD 69. Charlestown Mayor Treva Hodges moderated the panel, and the event cemented relationships with many local and regional organizations.
“Rural, Southern Indiana is frequently left out of conversations at the Statehouse,” said co-host HD 69 candidate Trish Whitcomb of Seymour. “That must change. We deserve the same access to comprehensive healthcare, affordable housing, quality education for our children, and jobs with livable wages that the rest of the state enjoys.”
Co-host Jennifer David, HD 66 candidate, stated she received very positive feedback from many of the community organizations that set up a table at the Scott County Indiana Rural Summit Event. “The folks [organizations] that I spoke to at the end of the evening expressed their gratitude for being invited to participate in the community-focused event and indicated that they were able to talk with community members and provide information about their services.” David was excited to share that attendees donated $248 to the Scott County Family YMCA and that this money would be matched by a local community grant, bringing the total raised to just under $500.

From Left to Right – Moderator: Mayor Treva Hodges. Panelists: Jennifer David HD 66 candidate, Thomas Ross HD
59 candidate, and Trish Whitcomb HD 69 candidate.
The Indiana Rural Summit is pleased to announce Victoria Martz, candidate for House District 55, has joined the Indiana Rural Summit tour. This brings the Summits total coverage to 10 House Candidates connecting 25 southern counties and covering 28% of Indiana to reach thousands of rural and small town voters. The Summit’s next stop will be held in Edinburgh (Shelby County) on Aug. 29. Future stops will be held throughout August, September and October.
● Tuesday, Sept. 17th, 6pm-8pm ET – Harrison Co. @ Historic Corydon 133 E Chestnut St, Corydon, IN 47112 (hosted by candidate Sarah Blessing for HD 70)
● Friday, Sept. 20th, 6pm-8pm ET – Brown/Monroe Co. @ Buddy Bill’s Bait Barn, 2827 E. Moffett Lane, Bloomington, IN 47401 (hosted by candidate Thomas Horrocks for HD 62, with special guest singer/songwriter Carrie Newcomer)
● Tuesday, Sept. 24th, 5:30pm – 8pm ET – Morgan Co. @ Rustic Gatherings, 1776 E Mahalasville Rd., Martinsville, IN 46151 (hosted by candidate Michelle Higgs for HD 60, with special guest singer/songwriter Rose O’Neal)
Who are the Indiana House Democratic Party candidates involved in the Rural Summit?
- House District 46 Kurtis Cummings [Vigo/Clay/Owen/Monroe counties]
- House District 47 Michael Potter [Johnson/Shelby counties]
- House District 55 Victoria Martz [Franklin/Fayette/Union Counties]
- House District 60 Michelle Higgs [Monroe/Morgan/Johnson counties]
- House District 62 Thomas Horrocks [Monroe/Brown counties]
- House District 63 Teresa Kendall [Davies, Martin, Pike, Dubois counties
- House District 66 Jennifer David [Scott, Jefferson, Clark counties]
- House District 69 Trish Whitcomb [Bartholomew, Jackson, Scott, and Washington counties]
- House District 70 Sarah Blessing [Harrison/Clark/Floyd/Washington counties]
- House District 73 Hollie Payton [Shelby, Bartholomew, Decatur, Jennings counties]