At the Martinsville Chamber’s March Luncheon, we enjoyed a delicious lunch sponsored by Citizens Bank and provided by our friends at Grand Valley Senior Living Community. Before our presentation, we welcomed new members Sgt. Pepper’s Chicken (Jarod Turner) and Trapper Tim’s (Tim & Mitzi Sturges).
At the chamber, we recognize the significance of workforce development for our community, and we have often initiated or been involved in related initiatives. Today’s presentation is an important one as we learn about Indiana’s Newest Career Pathway, the Banking Apprenticeship.
Over the past few years, Indiana leaders have been creating a plan for new apprenticeship pathways for high school students through Cemets iLab Indiana. The apprenticeships will help to address the need to build Indiana’s future workforce and address issues such as fewer students attending and graduating college. The apprenticeship programs were recently approved to be included in the new Indiana High School Diploma. Over the next several years state-wide high school apprenticeship programs will be developed for a wide range of industries and careers.
Thank you to Lisa Arnold, president of Home Bank, Chris Fisher, president and CEO of the Indiana Bankers Association’s Financial Services Academy, and our neighbor, President Pro Tempore of the Indiana Senate Rod Bray, for joining us. Lisa Arnold introduced this presentation and Home Bank’s participation in the pilot program and Senator Bray gave an overview of the state’s vision of developing apprenticeship programs throughout Indiana.
The Indiana Bankers Association is taking the lead in this initiative through the work of the newly formed Financial Services Academy (FSA). The Banking Apprenticeship developed through the FSA will be the first of these state-wide apprenticeships to be implemented starting in the Fall of 2025. Chris Fisher, the President and CEO of the Financial Services Academy, discussed why the banking industry is taking the lead in this exciting initiative as well as provided details on the implementation process, partnership development efforts, and how the Banking apprenticeship will be used as a guide as all apprenticeships are developed state-wide.
To better understand the nuts and bolts of this model, Lisa and Chris recently returned from a visit to Switzerland, where this apprenticeship model has been extremely successful.

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