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410 Grand Valley Blvd. Martinsville IN 46151 Phone: 765.342.3786 Website: Walmart.com

Waldon IT Solutions

Contact: Jerry Waldon
P.O. Box 1946 Martinsville IN 46151 Phone: 317.578.5403 Website: Wits4You.com

Wallace Construction, Inc.

Contact: Richard Wallace
P.O. Box 1432 Martinsville IN 46151 Phone: 317.422.5356 Website: WallaceConstructionInc.com

Waters of Martinsville

Contact: Lydia Knox, Area Director of Sales
2055 Heritage Dr. Martinsville Indiana 46151 Phone: 317.771.8509 cell Phone: 765.342.3305 Facility Website: WatersofMartinsville.com

Wayman’s Furniture & Appliances

Contact: Mark Wayman
960 Morton Ave. Martinsville IN 46151 Phone: 765.342.4339 Website: Waymans.com


Contact: Bob Goodrum
301 W. Harrison P.O. Box 1083 Martinsville IN 46151 Phone: 765.342.6661


Contact: Clay Hamilton, Owner

Williams Comfort Air

Contact: Bri Smith, Marketing Communications Manager
1077 3rd Ave SW Carmel Indiana 46032 Phone: 317.690.6992 Website: WilliamsComfortAir.com

Wings Etc. (LyRo Enterprises, LLC dba Wings Etc.)

Contact: Mark & Amanda Powell
285 Grand Valley Blvd. Martinsville IN 46151 Phone: 765.315.0832 Website: WingsETC.com/Martinsville

Woody’s Auto Repair

Contact: Chelsea & Brandon Stanley, Owners
340 W. Columbus St. Martinsville Indiana 46151 Phone: 765.342.7587 Website: WoodysAR.com

Work One Plainfield

Contact: Kristal Heffley, Business Services Representative
1610 Reeves Road, Suite 104 Plainfield IN 46168 Phone: 317.431.8383 Website: WorkOneCentral.org

World Arts Inc.

Contact: Kim Schulz-Hayden
156 E. Franklin St. P. O. Box 597 Spencer Indiana 47460 Phone: 812.829.6565 Website: WAPrinting.com